Keenan Roberts


Growth Consultant

Providing Transformational experiences to help businesses & Entrepreneurs improve.

Business Optimization & Growth Strategies

Business Optimization & Growth Strategies help coaches, experts, educators, and businesses streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and unlock new growth opportunities. By leveraging data-driven insights and implementing effective tactics, they can enhance their performance, reach wider audiences, and achieve their long-term success.


Identifying clear objectives, analyze market trends, leverage strengths, address weaknesses, and implement data-driven plans for sustainable growth."


Implement technology solutions that streamline repetitive tasks, enhance efficiency, and free up time for strategic activities."


Identify non-core tasks, assign them to capable team members or outsource them, and ensure clear communication and accountability to maximize productivity.

Helping Businesses & Entrepreneurs Find Their Place Online

We have a comprehensive approach designed to assist businesses and entrepreneurs in establishing a strong online presence and achieving sustainable growth. We focus on streamlining repetitive tasks and processes through automation, saving time and increasing efficiency. By implementing automated solutions, businesses and entrepreneurs can concentrate more on strategic activities and less on routine operations. Additionally, we empower them to delegate tasks effectively, identifying non-core activities that can be outsourced or assigned to team members, allowing them to focus on high-impact areas.

Furthermore, we help businesses and entrepreneurs craft compelling and targeted offers that resonate with their audience. This involves developing marketing strategies, designing attractive promotions, and optimizing product or service offerings to maximize conversions and customer satisfaction. By integrating automation, delegation, and offer crafting, we ensure that businesses and entrepreneurs not only find their place online but also flourish into full bloom.

$280M +

Revenue Generated


Satisfied Customers

I wholeheartedly recommend Keenan for any position that requires a highly professional, growth-oriented, and team-oriented individual. He has the unique ability to bring out the best in those around him, making him a valuable asset to my org. "


Samantha A.

One of your greatest strengths is your thirst for knowledge. You continually seek out more information in efforts to not only become a better specialist, but a better person. This says a lot about your brand, and how important learning culture is to you."



Lauren M

I personally am impressed with your professional maturity and willingness to challenge your partners when necessary”



Lovell D

“Keenan is truly the best team-mate anyone could ask for. He is positive, upbeat, encouraging, humble-a phenomenal listener, smart and always willing to help out. Keenan is one of the rare individuals who you can have a conversation with to determine a solution to a proactive project or create a solution with an issue"



Michael M

Latest Blogs

The Entrepreneur's Playbook: Human-Centered Success Strategies for Building a Thriving Business

Today, let's dive into a topic that's near and dear to my heart—human-centered success. In entrepreneurship, things are always changing. But one thing remains constant: putting people first is vital for lasting success. So, grab a notebook and let's dive into how you can use human connection, empathy, and collaboration to grow your business.

Virtual Assistants as a Service

Don't want to go through the headache of hiring a virtual assistant? We've got you covered.


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