About Me

Welcome! I'm Keenan Roberts, the Founder and CEO of Bloom, where I dedicate my expertise to transforming customers and providing innovative solutions. With over a year at the helm of Bloom, I specialize in helping businesses across various industries, including Ecommerce, Digital Marketing, Retail, Apparel, and Fitness/Sports Training Asset Protection & More, optimize their operations and achieve exceptional growth. My extensive leadership experience enables me to address mission-critical challenges and revolutionize business outcomes.

Throughout my career, I have developed a robust skill set in strategic growth, customer success, and innovative solution crafting. My extensive background in leading teams, analyzing market opportunities, and driving business expansion has equipped me to tackle diverse challenges. I am passionate about mentoring and inspiring teams, fostering a culture of innovation, and leveraging data-driven insights to navigate the competitive landscape.

Latest Blogs

The Entrepreneur's Playbook: Human-Centered Success Strategies for Building a Thriving Business

Today, let's dive into a topic that's near and dear to my heart—human-centered success. In entrepreneurship, things are always changing. But one thing remains constant: putting people first is vital for lasting success. So, grab a notebook and let's dive into how you can use human connection, empathy, and collaboration to grow your business.

Virtual Assistants as a Service

Don't want to go through the headache of hiring a virtual assistant? We've got you covered.


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